TV Buyers guide, Some things to think of!
Before investing your hard earned Euros in a nice new telly, you may find some of the points set out below useful. This document can

Alan Blumlein
Unsung engineers that gave us things we take for granted Alan Blumlein 1903-1942 Now here’s a clever chap that not many people would have heard

BBC Radio 4 (real name, Home service), the end is nigh?
I have written about some important topics in my time, but this towers over global warming, asteroid hits, Spanish economy, Global Economy, Covid…. BUT, the

BSR, the company that gave us the record player
Dr. Daniel McDonlad ’05-’91. If, like me, you are a ‘50s-‘60s ite, you probably remember stacking records up on an automatic turntable, watching the first

Classic radios of the past
Classic radios of the past Wireless set from the ‘40s-60s, were shackled to a degree performance wise, given that transmitted material was limited

Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla, Brilliant engineer and inventor of the “Death Ray”? Born in Croatia, 1856, Tesla was to become a massive influence in the area of
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