Who is listening in?
I was talking to a customer the other day about electronic eavesdropping. Strange topic I know. Thinking about how things have changed. After WW2,

Who is listening in part 2
Hello. Hope its warm enough for you all. In the last issue, I touched on the topic of electronic eavesdropping and so on, post WW2

Recording techniques over the years. Part 1
The start of an exciting 3 part series! A customer recently asked me to transfer some 5” reels of ¼” tape to MP3 memory stick,

Recording techniques over the years – Part 2
In part 1, I wrote about the beginnings of sound recording, centered around discs. This month we will look at how tape recording developed. Recording

Recording techniques over the years. Pt. 3 The cassette!
In part 2, I wrote about how recording sound on tape in the ‘50s-‘60s had taken over from recording direct to metal discs and its’

Analogue vs Digital The Audio World
A donation of a nice 1960 Ferguson Radiogram got me thinking about the re-immerging of analogue recording techniques, vinyl records etc. Having got the set
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