Potted history of the mobile phone!
Last month, I wrote about how the public telephone system started. Having won a Pulitzer Prize as a result, I thought I would tell you

Quick history of Colour TV
Last month, I wrote about some classic old radios. A customer, ex TV engineer, came in during week and we had a walk down

Home Chain Radar
“Home chain Radar”. What’s that all about? Well, before World War 2 started, the government set out to provide an early warning system which would

A brief history of the Internet!
We have been digitally communicating with each other for well over a hundred years. We had Semaphore Watch Towers, and Railway Telegraphy where electromagnets,
Some engineers that gave us technologies we take for granted!
I’ll start with something simple like the car radio. Or is it simple? Two friends, William Lear and Elmer Wavering, decided to take

Mr. Almon Strowger. The man who gave us the telephone exchange.
I have written about several people that have given us technologies we take for granted. Seeing my electronic post bag bursting at the seams, I
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